Assistant Professor, Director
H.R. Bright Building, 701 Ross St
College Station, TX 77840
United States
Professor Andrienko received his Ph.D. in Applied Physics from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology in 2013 and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Wright State University in 2014 under the guidance of Drs. Sergey Surzhikov and Joseph Shang. Andrienko’s research during these studies was related to the advanced computational models of radiation transfer and nonequilibrium thermodynamics in hypersonic flows.
Joining the research group of Professor Iain Boyd as a postdoctoral fellow in 2014, Andrienko concentrated on developing the ab-initio models of chemically reacting nonequilibrium flows from first principles. This included modeling of collisions in the high-temperature air with potential energy surfaces, statistical analysis of the data and implementation in the CFD program codes.
Andrienko’s research is related to developing advanced models of aerothermochemistry. This includes shock flows around hypersonic aircrafts and spacecraft, scramjet design, compressible flows and radiation transfer in weekly ionized plasma.
Professor Andrienko received his Ph.D. in Applied Physics from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology in 2013 and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Wright State University in 2014 under the guidance of Drs. Sergey Surzhikov and Joseph Shang. Andrienko’s research during these studies was related to the advanced computational models of radiation transfer and nonequilibrium thermodynamics in hypersonic flows.
Joining the research group of Professor Iain Boyd as a postdoctoral fellow in 2014, Andrienko concentrated on developing the ab-initio models of chemically reacting nonequilibrium flows from first principles. This included modeling of collisions in the high-temperature air with potential energy surfaces, statistical analysis of the data and implementation in the CFD program codes.
D Andrienko and ID Boyd “Vibrational energy transfer and dissociation in O2-N2 collisions at hyperthermal temperatures”, Journal of Chemical Physics, under review, 2018
D Andrienko} and ID Boyd “State-specific dissociation in O2-O2 collisions by quasiclassical trajectory method” Chemical Physics Vol. 491, No. 3, pp.74-81, 2017
K Neitzel, D Andrienko, ID Boyd, “Aerothermochemical Nonequilibrium Modeling for Oxygen Flows“, Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, Vol. 31, No. 3, pp.634-645, 2017
D Andrienko and ID Boyd “Kinetic models of oxygen thermochemistry based on quasi-classical trajectory method“, Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, in press
D Andrienko and ID Boyd “Thermal relaxation of molecular oxygen in collisions with nitrogen atoms“, Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 145 (1), 014309, 2016
I Ulusoy, D Andrienko, ID Boyd and R Hernandez “Quantum and quasi-classical collisional dynamics of O2–Ar at high temperatures“, Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 144 (23), 234311, 2016
D Andrienko and ID Boyd “Rovibrational energy transfer and dissociation in O2-O collisions“, Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 144 (10), 104301, 2016, \href{}{DOI}
D Andrienko and ID Boyd “High Fidelity Modeling of Thermal Relaxation and Dissociation of Oxygen“, Physics of Fluids, Vol. 27, 116101, 2015
D Andrienko and ID Boyd “Master Equation Study of Vibrational and Rotational Relaxation of Oxygen”, Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, Vol. 30 (3), pp. 533-552, 2016
D Andrienko, ST Surzhikov and JS Shang “View-factor approach as a radiation model for the re-entry flowfield“, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 53 (1), pp.74-83, 2016
D Andrienko and ID Boyd, “Investigation of Oxygen Vibrational Relaxation by Quasi-Classical Trajectory Method“, Chemical Physics, Vol. 459, pp. 1-13, 2015
JS Shang, D Andrienko, PG Huang and ST Surzhikov “A computational approach for hypersonic nonequilibrium radiation utilizing space partition algorithm and Gauss quadrature“, Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 266, pp 1–21, 2014
D Andrienko, ST Surzhikov and JS Shang “Spherical Harmonics Method Applied to the Multi-Dimensional Radiation Transfer Equation”, Journal of Computer Physics Communications, Vol. 184, No 10, pp.2287-2298, 2013
D Andrienko and ST Surzhikov “P1 approximation applied to Radiative heating of Descent Spacecraft“, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 49, No. 6, pp. 1088-1098, 2012
D Andrienko and ST Surzhikov “The unstructured two-dimensional grid-based computation of selective thermal radiation in CO2-N2 mixture flows“, Journal of High Temperature, Vol. 50, No. 4, pp.545-555, 2012
D Andrienko and ST Surzhikov “The heat transfer equation formulated through the P1-approximation of spherical harmonics method for nonscattering media” Physical and chemical kinetics, Vol. 9, 2010.
D Andrienko and ST Surzhikov, “Comparing the heat transfer equation solution, obtained by the spherical harmonics method and the ray-tracing method in the complex curvilinear geometry,” BMSTU, Vol.3, 2010, pp.15-30.
D Andrienko “Applying the P1 approximation of spherical harmonics method for heat transfer equation,” Journal of Thermal Processes in Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 11, pp. 477-483, 2009.
D Andrienko, ST Surzhikov “Solving the two dimensional Poisson equation with nonlinear iterational method”, Physical and chemical kinetics, Vol. 7, 2008.