We are always looking for talented and collaborative undergraduate students, graduate students, visiting research scholars, and postdoctoral fellows.
If you are looking for a postdoctoral position please send an email to Daniil Andrienko (daniila@tamu.edu) with a cover letter describing what you have worked on, what projects you would like to work on and what your career goals are. Please enclose your CV and the names, emails and phone numbers of three references.
Graduate students
If you are currently a Texas A&M graduate student looking for a lab, please email me so we can meet in person. Include “PhD 2020” in the subject line of the email. If you are looking for a graduate position and you are not at Texas A&M, you will need to apply to the TAMU aerospace program: https://engineering.tamu.edu/aerospace/academics/degrees/graduate.html
Undergraduate students
If you are an undergraduate student at TAMU, please send me an email with your prior experience and current grades. Typically, undergraduates in our lab work for academic credit.